2011-06-25 03:54:07 UTC
I have a 2005 Renault Clio Expression (automatic) 1.4
Yesterday I was stuck in a slow moving traffic jam (stop/start) for about 30 mins. During this time I had a warning light appear on my dash saying to STOP, and then I noticed 'smoke' pouring out the sides of my bonnet!
I stopped and called the AA, who told me my ECU engine fan is not cutting in as it should causing the engine to overheat. The 'smoke' was actually steam from some of the water leaking out the cap and making contact with the red hot components.
The car is fine to drive but I just know this will occur again as soon as I am stuck in traffic again.
I am trying to DIY repair it (dad and brother are mechanics) but without Renault diagonistic gear its hard. Really can't afford to take it to Renault, so ANY advice on where to look to solve this is greatly appreciated. The fuses are all OK and everything like that....where to next investigate?
So grateful for any help!!